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A 14–minute glimpse of why Advanced Dementia considered the most cruel, most burdensome, and most prolonged of any terminal illness—for patients, loved ones, and caregivers? (14 min. Dec. 2014)
Lethal Choice (2008), a medical/legal/psychological thriller
A Medical Thriller by Stanley A. Terman, Ph.D., M.D.
Life Transitions Publications
From conspiracy to enlightenment- A medical thriller based on the premise that insurance companies must promote greater willingness to hasten dying to increase their profits. Includes the author’s position paper on Physician-Assisted Suicide, and a “How To” guide to the alternative — A legal peaceful way to hasten dying. About 330 pages, shrink-wrapped, 7 by 10 inches, hardbound or trade paperback, available in books stores soon, or on the web. Unabridged audio version coming soon. Free excerpts of initial chapters (including audio) are on the web site.
The BEST WAY to Say Goodbye: A Legal Peaceful Choice at the End of Life (2007)
By Stanley A. Terman, PhD, MD
Life Transitions Publications
A Comprehensive discussion of several end-of-life options illustrated by poignant memoirs, with useful guidelines and suggested forms, that is still entertaining by including humorous stories. Actually a book within a book, non-professional readers can, if they wish, skip the more technical sections that refer to over 200 legal citations and medical references. About 475 pages, shrink-wrapped, 7 by 10 inches, hardbound or trade paperback.
Peaceful Transitions: Plan Now, Die Later—Ironclad Strategy (2011)
By Stanley A. Terman, PhD, MD
Life Transitions Publications
More than a clear and concise How To guide to follow-up Dr. Stanley Terman’s comprehensive, The BEST WAY to Say Goodbye: A Legal Peaceful Choice at the End of Life, the diligent approach detailed here is prudent and cautious. Instructions in this book make legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide unnecessary. Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act helps three dozen people a year. This book will help millions: all who are destined to die of chronic diseases, members of their families, and our entire society. Readers can gain needed assurance from the ironclad strategy to live as long as possible. The proposed method incorporates robust safeguards and strives for full disclosure to patients and others. A caring, thoughtful and morally sound book. A responsible approach to the most controversial issue of the Twenty-First Century. We must consider the solutions offered here before the worst health epidemic the world has ever seen the predicted increase in Alzheimer’s and other dementias consumes all of our medical, financial and emotional resources.
Peaceful Transitions: Stories of Success and Compassion (Second Edition, 2011)
By Stanley A. Terman, PhD, MD
Life Transitions Publications
Can you maximize end-of-life pleasure? Yes, but fear of death makes us reluctant to discuss dying. Advanced Dementia is a ”closet-within-the-closet”: few people talk about dementia; even fewer discuss what it is like to die in its end-stage. The goal of this book is to attain timely, peaceful transitions, starting with a Living Will that can effectively avoid both PREMATURE DYING and PROLONGED DYING with unnecessary pain. This book shows how planning CAN maximize pleasure and reduce suffering–for yourself and loved ones–for any terminal illness.
Slow Dancing with a Stranger: Lost and Found in the Age of Alzheimer’s(2014) By Meryl Comer
Emmy-award winning broadcast journalist and leading Alzheimer’s advocate Meryl Comer’s Slow Dancing With a Stranger is a profoundly personal, unflinching account of her husband’s battle with Alzheimer’s disease that serves as a much-needed wake-up call to better understand and address a progressive and deadly affliction.